January 18, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

Interlude One

In between campaigns we run short interlude sessions. These are expected to be no more than 2 to 3 sessions with alternate characters

The interludes will also occur in the Lands of Pol and will expand the story line in some way.

Interlude One (1)

Character Creation

We start this Interlude with new 3rd Level Characters

Players may choose from any of the following method, but must announce which method they intend to use before starting and have the creation witnessed.

  • Standard Array – 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
  • Point Buy – Available Points – 27
  • Roll attributes – Roll 4 d6 and drop the lowest 6 times. (if the total of all attributes is less than 69 you can elect to re-roll all attributes) Then assign rolls to attributes.

Keep a record of your original rolls and assignments before you applied racial etc bonus

A copy of your character sheet should be made available to the DM.

Reminder: Player Characters cannot be Elf (half elf is ok)

Character Backgrounds:

Please keep the following in mind when creating your background:

  • You are aware of Newfeld but don’t necessarily come or are based there.  We can work something into your background around that, you can come up with any particular background you like in that regards, even invent place names I’m willing to add those to the world.
  • In your players backstory somewhere in your past you were affected negatively by the actions of the Proselyte of Chaos. (At the time you did not know it was them of course, as they were an unknown at that time)
  • Over time, you teamed up others who each also had such strange occurrences in their lives. As you became friends you over time begin to see the similarities with your friends  and other events that have occurred. You and your group has always been on the lookout for any information of incident that may lead you to find a cause. (Include a theory you may have had.)
  • In the early years your investigations often brought you into conflict with authority.  You were seen as meddlers and trouble makers. In this regard you could think of yourselves as a little like The Goonies. You were young people trying to solve a mystery stumbled onto an evil and we’re caught in between things unable to really make a difference however occasionally finding little clues and items that intrigued you.
  • As a result you found out certain little pieces of information about these proselyte occurrences, you are probably a little unique in that few people have understood these the way you have.
  • Most recently news has just reached you that revealed the “Proselyte of Chaos”.  You instantly know that these are the ones that have been the cause of these issues.  You feel finally exonerated. You swear to find a way to make them pay for what they have done.  
  • The news also revealed a Resistance Organisation has been working for the downfall of the “Proselyte of Chaos” in secret.  Anyone or any organisation with that as their cause has your backing.
  • Having become powerful adventurers it’s time for you to act, the only way to act is with information, so you have sought out this resistance movement. Today you will be meeting a contact at a remote village in the mountains far from any other form of civilisation.  By chance this also suits the contact for without the information to find this “resistance” you doubt you would have found this village of Parabor.

Your Current ongoing task (quest)

You accepted the following task as an ongoing task, it paid well and gave you the start you needed.

About a year ago you were approached by “Alucia Lacual” a local wizard with a proposition.  She is looking for a half elven woman “Erris Dawnforge” who disappeared in the “Cairgon Ranges” some years ago.  Erris is heir to her deceased teachers estate, if you can locate her or bring news of her, she has been promised a sizable reward.  When you agreed to assist, Alucia knowing it will be a very long and arduous journey, agreed to pay for your outfitting and provided you each with an advance of 250 gp.  (more than you had been paid for any one job before) *you may choose one item from the Table A below as an item she provided. As well as a mount and all adventuring gear *

*you may choose +1 one weapon OR +1 piece of armor as an item you have acquired* 

Alucia also provided you with a Sending Stone, she kept its partner so you could keep her informed. 

Table A

Bag of holding
Cap of water breathing
Dust of disappearance
Elixir of health
Folding boat
Goggles of night
Helm of comprehending languages
Horseshoes of speed
Keoghtom’s ointment
Oil of slipperiness
Potion of climbing
Potion of diminution
Potion of gaseous form
Potion of greater healing
Potion of healing
Potion of hill giant strength
Potion of resistance
Potion of water breathing
Ring of swimming
Rope of climbing
Scroll of protection

Your Current Location:

Your have currently arrived in Parabor, a frontier village of diverse miners and adventurers. This community’s economy is fuelled by silver in the Cairgon Ranges,  mithral in the Icebound Peaks, and explorers like you who scout the Merriam Vale for treasure.

The Cairgon Ranges cut Parabor and the Merriam Vale off from the rest the lands.  This small village is largely ignored by the outside world, possibly even forgotten and that’s the way the village likes it.
Its operations are in the hands of Village Elder, Judith Seagarten, who keeps a small guard and can raise a militia if any trouble comes to town.  She lets the villagers keep to themselves, but does demand meagre taxes once a year to maintain the area.

The dangerous jobs and remote location of Parabor attract more than miners and adventurers.
Plenty of people running from something be it the law, a shady past, or an angry ex-lover come to Parabor for refuge from their previous life.

This is a village where people ask where you’re going, not where you came from.

Lands of Pol – From Norm to Newfeld
Icebound Peaks South
Merriam Vale