February 23, 2025

Lands of Pol

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Hey all – following yesterdays EPIC battle and completion of the quest I am now publishing a few thing you may find of interest…..

The first is my running sheet notes on Lord Hereford the Vampire

The Vampire Encounter

Vampire Run sheet – Lord Hereford

The Lord Hereford (vampire – warrior) has been trapped in his casket for centuries and is starving.Lord Hereford led the invaders of this temple on behalf of the Proselyte, and oversaw the implementation and installation of the artefacts blocking the Dieties contact to POL.In the battle and events at that time he was the only survivor and was badly hurt. He retired to the casket to recover, where he was discovered by Armise (The elven cleric protector of the catacombs) who bound the casket with the iron chain so trapping him.Since that time Armise has dreaded Lord Hereford’s escape and will use the party to either destroy him or drive him away.Lord Hereford does not know how he was trapped of who was involved.

Lord Hereford will have the following goals if released

To Feed! He is starving and is desperate to feed, this affects his judgement

To flee! Once he feeds at least 4 rounds he will be sated enough and wish to depart –

If he discovers he was imprisoned by Armise he will (1-2 on D4) seek retribution or (3-4 on a D4) Flee fearing Armise is too powerful

If he flees he will return to Koshanth to report

Upon release will attempt to hide and assess the situation however if seen will attack asap. His hunger is intense and will affect his judgement.

Gaseous Form out of casket away from entrance

Attack closest player who is isolated from his colleagues

If found to be over matched, he will charm as many as he can and use them as below

He will avoid feeding on any charmed players until safe – he will use them to protect him and to keep them from attacking him.

As soon as he can he will feed, even briefly as long as he feels safe to do so

He has a 1d10 chance of identifying (already knowing the item) a magical item in Armise’s possession and will use that knowledge to his advantage if helpful

Lord Hereford wears / carries the following magical items:

  • Vampiric Cloak of protection +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while worn, also offers advantage for any attack that would cause stun or force him prone. If prone may recover as a bonus action.
  • Ring of Darkness – 1 use per day – 30’ radius – wearer is unaffected by the spell – he will save its use until desperate
  • Amulet of Protection from Turning –
    While Lord Hereford wears this amulet of silver and turquoise, he has advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead. If he fails a saving throw against such an effect, he can choose to succeed instead. He can do so three times, and expended uses recharge daily at dawn. Each time an effect that turns undead is used against him, the amulet glows with silvery blue light for a few seconds.
    Any good aligned creature who holds the Amulet on unprotected flesh must make a Con Save DC 16.
    If Saved they feel a strong almost burning sensation that will make them want to drop it. They cannot hold it unprotected.
    A Fail will cause instant burning of the flesh for 2d6 heat & 2d10 necrotic, this will occur each round the character continues to remain within 10ft of the Amulet.
    A fail of 1 will result in the above however the character is also cursed, has disadvantage on Con ability checks and saving throws. Curse lasts until a Remove Curse is used on the character
  • Black Bane – Vorpal Greatsword (requires attunement)
    Usable only by Evil alignment, advantage to hit all good aligned creatures +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores resistance to slashing damage.
    When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature’s heads. The creature dies if it can’t survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn’t have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.

Armise the prolonged

Eleven, cleric of Aegir, and caretaker to the sacred catacombs

Armis is the caretaker of the catacombs and last known cleric of Aergir. He was never well regarded in the temple and always given the more mundane or easy tasks.He is not that smart, a coward at heart and perpetually scared for his life.Over the centuries he has maintained the catacombs and searched and gathered any items he think will help him in his long vigil “guarding” the entrance to the catacombs. (In reality he is too scared and a coward to leave feeling he is safer here”Armis is only a Second Level Cleric, and has no real clerical power as he has lost all contact with his Deity. Some of his cantips still operate but spasmodically. He depends on the magical items he has scavenged for his survival. With all the hiding and scavenging over the centuries he has developed Rogue like skills so is more rogue then cleric though he does not realise this.

He uses the mirror to watch the approaches for marauders, and operates remotely the many pitfalls and traps to remove them, or possibly turn them away.He is ever suspicious, of the adventurers but if convinced will first require them complete a test of their good intentions.By almost accident he has imprisoned a Vampire in the chamber above the catacombs. He is in perpetual fear the Vampire will escape and hunt him down. He see the adventurers as an opportunity to rid himself of the Vampire or at least feed it, and reduce the chance to him. (he’s not too smart)He will lead them to the chamber and watch to see…Armis is very old even for an Elf, he is unkempt and not too clean.

Below is an example of his Character Sheet and some of the items he possessors.

Arrival of Aegir

In the moments following the destruction of the Proselytes Locks there is stillness in the temple and an almost or lack of action nothing but silence to a few seconds. Slowly the sound of water surging can be heard distant and then gathers pace.

The dry solidified pool breaks apart in a cataclysm of surging surf as the room abruptly filled by a massive wave that crashes through the room everybody and everything is drenched.All characters are knocked prone no save.The wave forms and pulls into the dry pool filling it, again forming up as a standing wave it stands upright performing into the image of a powerful man.

Before you stands Aegir god of tempest and ocean in full mite in full angry Tempest. You see his face you see the images of his of anger across his vision.

As his face materialises you see a face, scarred, diseased it looks almost as if he has a leprosy, the scabs are falling off.. then its healing and refreshing its a horror The body turns and the face slowly has repaired itself.All Character are struck down with fear – NO SAVE – this is an angry Deity A few moments later the visage it’s no longer water but corporeal – Now he sees you, he looks down at you then around the room I look of total rage across his face.

“Where is he where is the one that imprisoned me.” he bellows!

He looks around the room taking it in he pulls up to his full might he pulls out an almighty weapon it looks like you are doomed. As he pulls back his mighty weapon you know your lives are lost and just as there as he starts to ready a blow a rainbow fills the air. A rainbow of light appears in front of him 2 images step out of this rainbow and step between him and his target.They are Freya and Heimdall the power of three deities in this room is too much for any of you on your knees you are on your bellies you are praying for your life

Freya calls out “no brother these are all rescuers these brave souls have been set on their task by myself and Heimdall, to free you and reinstate the oceans to this realm. Spare their lives they are not those who sought to imprison us.”

Aegir’s countenance changes and he glares around the room you feel your very soul being examined.

“Truly” he says “as the ocean roars my wrath is great. But I have no reason to disbelieve you and as I see now my powers return and I can feel that these ones are not powerful enough to have been the one.”“Explain yourselves mortal’s stop cowering there. Where are my believers, why do they not welcome me?”

Opportunity for interaction . . . .

Aegir will sense Armise hiding just outside the room, and will become angy once again.

“You there hiding, you snivelling coward you are not worthy of my followers , come forth. “ Aegir pushes his and forward and with a pulling gesture Armise fly’s into the room into his grasp.“You Puny mortal – would you not know I can see into your heart and soul, you have no worth you are no warrior. We do not countenance a coward, I strip you of all power you will return with me for just punishment in the depths.”

He throws Armise into the Oceania pool and which reaches up and takes him. Armise the prolonged is gone.

“Well might warriors and heroes of by brother and sister, it seem I owe you payment.” he pauses in thought

“ You are granted safe passage in my realm, and here a little of my power”

You feel a surge of positive energy and something has changed about you.

  • You are healed of all wounds (full HP),
  • any curses or similar are removed and
  • you have 250 temp HP for 5 days.
  • Roll 1d6 – you may increase distribute to you stats

Aegir then roars –

“I disavow this place it is no place of mine – I curse it and all in it (other than you of course), from this time forward it will reside in My Domain”

“good by brother, sister I go to reinstate my domain.” “farewell”

He the dives into the pool and with that you fee the building shake and the move as it is beginning to sink.

“Fear not brave warriors all” calls Freya,

“while our Brother has cursed this place you are safe with use. Come Eleanor I have much to discuss with you”Eleanor immediately rushes to the deity and both are lost in a bright flash.“Well looks like its up to me to do the transport” – laughs Heimdall- “as usual” .“Come friends, we must go, choose your destination” The Rainbow bridge begins to manifest.


Mirror of Redirection

Wondrous Item, artifact

This 4-foot-tall mirror appears and reacts as a standard high quality mirror. The mirror weighs 50 pounds, and it has AC 12, 10 hit points, and vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. It shatters and is destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points.

The Mirror is controlled by a linked item, this item is usually a piece of jewellery such as a broach. This item itself is an item of power.

The owner when wearing the broach may activate and see though the mirror as if they were standing in its place by a twist of the controlling item. Any creature that sees its reflection in the mirror while it is being used to view the creature and is within 30 feet of it may note on a DC 20 Perception saving throw a faint image of the eyes or outline of the creature using the mirror, if the creature is not in darkness.

Upon uttering a command word the mirror can become translucent and permit the user to show themselves and communicate with those in front of the mirror.

Upon uttering a second command word the mirror will resolve into an open door providing access to a location of the owners choice within 60 feet. This location must be well known by the user, or in sight. Essentially the mirror becomes a dimensional portal similar to the “Arcane Gate” spell. The Door will remain open for 10 minutes or till the command is uttered again. The command can have the work “remain” added to it and the mirror will remain in the new location (moving from its previous location).

The broach, while the item of control, also has the ability to implement a “Wall of Force” on command 3 times per day. This wall of force can only be within 5 foot of it or the mirror it is liked to. The Broach has 3 charges. Each use of the broach expends 1 charge. The broach regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn