At the founding of Pol, the Twelve major Gods joined forces to populate the...
The Elves chosen to seed Pol, were those closest to Magic. They soon became...
Loki was not one of the Gods Odin invited to Pol. He was specifically...
Upon claiming Pol the 13 gods divided the world between them. Hel was given...
Odin was troubled. The scribe had completed transcribing his raving of his most recent...
The Worlds of Pol are wanders, not fixed in place in the Cosmos. They...
The World of Pol has had many iterations. It is a world unlike most...
Kethra was the illegitimate daughter of a prominent Lord and was cast out by...
I have spent centuries wandering the cosmos. Time has no meaning. I have seen...
The 20th of this month is Mischief. Loki’s Day; where Loki’s power is at...