February 23, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

Curse of Strahd Finale – as a ONE SHOT (draft 1)


It’s the Finale – you have completed your quests and decide to finally face Strahd. The Tarokka will help set the scene in the following ways

  • Destined Enemy of Strahd One player will be chosen by the Tarokka Reading as the Destined Enemy of Strahd, unless this character has already fallen to Strahd’s attacks. Given Strahd sees this person as a significant threat, he will target them strategically. There is a 60% chance they have not survived to this point (rolling a 5-10) and a 40% chance of survival (rolling a 1-4). If no player wishes to play this character, it will be assumed they have died.

·         Final Confrontation Location: The Reading will determine the location of the final confrontation.


The party will consist of 4 to 5 players. Only the following characters and races from the 2014 Player’s Handbook and options from the module will be available:

·         Races: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human

·         Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard

Characters will be at 10th level.

Character Selection

In a short offline session zero, the DM will perform a Tarokka Reading using tarokka.com, followed by a roll to determine the Destined Enemy of Strahd. Players will be informed and can then decide among themselves on the party composition.

Hit Points and Conditions.

It is assumed the characters have been battling through the castle and have taken damage. At the beginning of the session, the group will have a “Short Rest” at a location near where they expect to find Strahd.

  • Hit Points: All characters will be up to 50% below Max HP. Each will roll d100 to determine their exact HP.
  • Spells and Ammunition: Similar reductions apply. Ammunition will be at 50%.
  • Exhaustion: There is a 5% chance that a character has a point of exhaustion.

Depending on where the final encounter is the DM may determine other starting conditions.


General Items: The characters arrived as 1st level adventurers and have only what they started with plus what they may have collected in Barovia, which is limited:

  • Armour: Plate, Studded Leather, Chainmail, Breastplate
  • Weapons: Longsword, Shortsword, Dagger, Greatsword, Battleaxe, Crossbow (light & heavy), Longbow, Spear, Quarterstaff, and general ammunition.

Special Items: There are 2 magic items identified in the Tarokka Reading – but have they obtained them?

  • The Sunsword: Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
  • Holy Symbol of Ravenkind: Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin of good alignment)

Other Special Items: Found on their quest:

  • Blood Spear: Weapon (spear), uncommon (requires attunement)
  • Gulthias Staff: Staff, rare (requires attunement)
  • Icon of Ravenloft: Wondrous item, legendary (attunement by a creature of good alignment)
  • Saint Markovia’s Thighbone: Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)

There are other items hidden in Barovia that may be substituted for those above if needed by rolling a D12 on the Substitutes Table below.

Determining Items Carried

There are 6 special items; initially, it will be determined how many items are in the group’s possession. The following table indicates how many they may have.

Number of Items OwnedProbabilityDice Roll d100
1 Item37.03%01-37
2 Items45.67%38-83
3 Items14.26%84-97
4 Items2.67%98-99
5 Items0.36%100
6 Items0.00076%N/A

Once the number of items is determined, use the following table to identify which items the group has. Roll a D10; if a duplicate is rolled, re-roll until a unique item is selected.

  Magic ItemWeighted Dice Roll (d10)
Holy Symbol of Ravenkind4-6
Blood Spear7
Icon of Ravenloft8
Gulthanis Staff9
Saint Markovia’s Thighbone10

The group can determine which character holds each item.  The DM will determine if there is a disagreement between players.

Substitutes table:

Magic ItemLocationRoll D12
Gustav’s Mace of TerrorK151
Doss LuteK362
Alchemy JugK413
Shield of the Silver DragonK414
+2 GreatswordQ365
Rod of the Pact Keeper +1K416
Helm of BrillianceK417
Statuette of Saint MarkoviaS15f8
Pipes of HauntingU39
Robe of Useful ItemsX5a10
Masters AmuletX911
Oil of SharpnessU312

Duplicates are to be rerolled

Other items the party may have


The party will have between them 3 potions left. Roll d12 and select the relevant potion from the table below.  If no Potion is Healing is rolled you may swap one out for a Potion of Greater Healing.  (do not reroll duplicates)

1Potion of Healing
2Potion of Greater Healing
3Potion of Superior Healing
4Potion of Heroism
5Potion of Invulnerability
6Elixir of Health
7Potion of Climbing
8Potion of Diminution
9Potion of Gaseous Form
10Potion of Speed
11Potion of Vitality
12Potion of Water Breathing

Spell Scrolls

The party will have between them 2 scrolls. Roll 2d12 and select the relevant scroll from the table below

2Scroll of Fireball
3Scroll of Greater Restoration
4Scroll of Magic Circle
5Scroll of Blight
6Scroll of Mass Cure Wounds
7Scroll of Protection
8Scroll of Dispel Magic
9Scroll of Counterspell
10Scroll of Animate Dead
11Scroll of Protection from Evil and Good
12Scroll of Disintegrate
13Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability
14Scroll of Wall of Force
15Scroll of Teleport
16Scroll of Chain Lightning
17Scroll of Finger of Death
18Scroll of Dominate Monster
19Scroll of Power Word Stun
20Scroll of Revivify
21Scroll of Wall of Force
22Scroll of Teleport
23Scroll of Fly
24Scroll of Invisibility