February 23, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

The Unique Powers of the Torcs 

It is known that each of the Torc’s have unique power linked to their gift.  However, the Torc wielders hold this information close, and we only know for certain a little. 

Only that worn by Roth do we think fully know its tale. 

Roth’s Torc – Balder Gift 

This Torc bestows advantage on all rolls involving charisma and performance. 

 As well as the following: 

  • Charm Person 
  • Otto’s Irresistible Dance(uses 2 charges, if successful may target an additional creature at a cost of extra charges) requires you to have concentration on them for me to target them. 
  • Power Word Heal - Beware the cost is high, for it uses all my available energy and sometimes also yours.  

Power Word Heal is a 9th Level Spell – if used it drains the Torc of all its available energy (6 charges).  If it is not fully charged, then the spell takes the rest of the power from the wielder.   

  1. For each extra charge needed 3 levels of power are used from the wielder, temporarily reducing them by 3 levels for every charge needed. Example 1 charge is needed, the wielder is 9th level they drop to 6, losing the relevant HP spells etc.   Warning: should the wielder already be low on HP; it is possible to die as you may have too few HP to survive. 
  1. If insufficient power is available the wielder will be left at zero HP and unconscious, the torc drained. In this case the spell will partially work as a Mass Word Heal, or Healing Word depending on how much power was available.  (DM’s discretion) 
  1.  If drained and unconscious the wielder will require 24 hours of undisturbed rest to regain consciousness and will regain levels along with the torc’s recharge.  
  1. As the torc regains its charges daily the wielder will regain the same number in levels with the required HP. (i.e the Torc rolls a 2 – it regains 2 charges, the wielder recovers 2 levels) 
  1.  No other cure spells, short of another Power Word Heal or Wish can reverse the effect on the wielder.   
  1. The Torc will be unable to utilise any of its charges to function again in any way until it has achieved full recharge.   
  1. If the Torc is forced to drain energy from its wielder it can only regain charges every second day until fully charged.  Should the torc cause the death of its wielder in draining their power it will teleport itself (without the wearer) to a location it decides. 

Frigga’s Gift 

The destroyed Torc originally gifted by Frigga we know a little 

This Torc bestowed advantage on all rolls involving healing and death. 

 As well as the following powers: 

  • Augury 
  • Healing word 
  • Antipathy/Sympathy 
  • True Resurrection (like Baldur’s Gift it is thought danger lurks in its use) 

It is expected that this replacement may have similar powers, but Kethra Stormwind has remained silent.