February 24, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

Handout Parchment 1 – Found 13-03-22

empty brown canvas

Photo by Pixabay on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/empty-brown-canvas-235985/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

Dear Ancev;

I do not know what is occurring, this parchment of sharing no longer seems to be working.  Are you reading my messages?  If you know that the messages are no longer erasing as expected and I no longer receive your messages?I will keep passing my notes until I run out of space – I will then move to the second.

You were quite correct I was able to locate in the hoard of “The Great White”.  Here I was partially in luck, she was very distracted with a new brood, placing all her attention upon protecting the eggs.  It was unfortunate that “Olberry” and her sister grew so enamoured by the Whites motherly appearance that they forgot their fear.  Always the ones to try to gain more nature lore Olbery and Jowbery strayed too close.  A Dragon is never a creature one can underestimate, and what I witnessed indicates that an Ancient White protecting her brood is defiantly not one you should approach

However, their demise was my gain, for in the conflagration a section of the Horde was disrupted and the chest you divined was revealed.  Still, it was no minor action to gain its contents.  For several Moonths I watched and awaited my chance.  It came as the hatchlings emerged, so distracted was she, that I was able to misty step to and away with the chest.  I no not her reaction for I used my last charge of the pendant to depart.

I moved quickly and disguised my path, but I saw no sign of her or pursuit.

When I was several days remote to her lair, I finally paused to confirm my find.

The casket was exactly as you impressed upon me, and inside a single satchel containing our quarry. Well as I had hoped anyway.

Taking your advice I took every precaution, the satchel as magical having a similar enchantment to a item of holding.  I found it contained only one thing, a beautifully engraved golden box, it is exquisite a thing of true beauty.  Its seal was already broken, and my spells indicated nothing amiss.

I tried my rituals of identification and magic detection, they were as you suggested they may be, quite inconclusive.  So finally prepared as best I could I opened the box.  What was revealed surprised me, thin, truly aged ivory cards, but no decoration they were blank (well the top is I dare not touch them).  Still remembering your warnings maybe, I should not have been expecting such.  I then cast my identification ritual once again on the contents of this open box.  Nothing! Truly Nothing! it was as it I was identifying a blank space. Yes, you had warned me, but truly to cast this spell and be rewarded with nothing or more an absence of anything is such a surprise.

I followed your instruction and repeated the rituals over the next several days.  Always with the same result, and I am now certain that I have it.  That greatest of gods of chaos’s artifacts.   I cannot allow it to be used or fall into the hands of these invaders so as I agreed I attempted its destruction.

I have failed, nothing I have tried seems to affect them. Yes, such artifacts are difficulty to destroy so I will seek others who may assist, but all the while the temptation, oh the temptation to just use it.

My latest attempt failed once again; I think my only possible options are hide it indefinably (surely foley) of have she the Mistress of Chaos destroy it herself.  Neither seems a true solution.  However, is it not such a coincidence that she has arrived in our world, could I somehow have Tiamat destroy it?  Maybe I should return it to the dragon’s hoard.

In the meantime, I will ward it and seal the box, I have linked the wards to our link, so we will know if it is broken.

I have decided, I will join with the forces of chaos as a pretence to finding an opportunity to complete my task.   Or just maybe I could use it to help stem the invasion.

Ancev, I have warning for you – I think I am near to being discovered – I will continue on the second parchment and hide this – please if you can