Odin was troubled. The scribe had completed transcribing his raving of his most recent...
Month: August 2021
The Worlds of Pol are wanders, not fixed in place in the Cosmos. They...
The World of Pol has had many iterations. It is a world unlike most...
Kethra was the illegitimate daughter of a prominent Lord and was cast out by...
I have spent centuries wandering the cosmos. Time has no meaning. I have seen...
The 20th of this month is Mischief. Loki’s Day; where Loki’s power is at...
The following day, after re-introductions (many of the party were quite drunk the previous...
I begin my journey at Grallis Tower, situated to the north-west of the Dagger...
Hertford Purple Age 169 Weight 45lbs (a little pudgy) Height 3’ Backstory Herford is...