February 24, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

The World of Pol – a primer

blue and brown milky way galaxy

Photo by Miriam Espacio on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-and-brown-milky-way-galaxy-2694037/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

The World of Pol has had many iterations.  It is a world unlike most for it is a wanderer. Pol wanders the Prime Material Plane, moving through the realms of Gods, but not claimed by any.

It was a world devoid of life, until it passed close by a world called Abeir-Toril where its close contact caused an immense disturbance in magic.  It tore through the magic weave of the Goddess Mystryl breaching the magic of the world and in so doing, through this magic, seeding life upon itself and commencing the destruction of the great Netherese Empire on Abeir-Toril.

Many lost people found a new home on Pol. Devoid of divine powers and having only the stolen power of this Goddess Mystryl to them, many sought everlasting power and life in magic.  Over time these peoples developed true mastery of death though necromancy.

Over centuries a civilization devoted to necromancy flourished.  Their understanding became almost absolute, cumulating with the great mage Myrkul forming the “Council for the Everlasting”. Its goal, to find a path to everlasting life.  The council developed new ways to gain like forces by draining the life from the peoples of Pol.

It was Myrkul who first identified the path and the first to obtain immortality in Lichdom.  Others soon were to follow until the council of the lich became “The Lich Council”.

Slowly, inexorably, the council drained the lands life essence.  Great life trapping sinks were created that drew the peoples to them, using those life forces to feed the liches.

Eventually only the liches remained, and they fort for dominion. The Arch-Lich, “Myrkul” was victorious, but now Pol was devoid of life. With no more living essence to drain, Myrkul retired to a crypt, but not before redirecting the vast and elaborate taps and clues, to lead new living to this area so she could feed anew.  Many of these traps she seeded a certain relics across Pol.  Relics that would disrupt and warp a person to lead them to Myrul.

Myrul then sent her essence to explore the multiverse, journeying long and far. How long did she contemplate this reality awaiting new life.  Her power, not infinite for Myrul’s essence started to wane, the powers that fed her ceased to come.  Slowly Myrkul diminished, becoming a memory, a seed awaiting an awakening.

The world of Pol was once again devoid of peoples. Possibly millenia passed and a God known as the One-Eye, found it moving past his dominion. 

The One-Eye and his advisers turned to Pol, he saw an unpeopled world ready for the taking. He knew he had a way to solve a dilemma. He would seed this world and his kin would split themselves from the curse of something known as Ragnarök and start anew on this world.

And, so began the Norse peopling of Pol, the new dominion of Odin – One Eye.