February 24, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

The Twelve

Idun and the Apples by James Doyle Penrose, 1890

Idun and the Apples by James Doyle Penrose, 1890

At the founding of Pol, the Twelve major Gods joined forces to populate the world and put in place 12 representatives as guardians. These guardians became known as “The Twelve” (originally “Tolv” or “Tolve”) and were thought to be immortal! [1]

The Original Twelve Protectors of POL:

(Listed in order of known priority)

Nonorra“Virtuous”EmpyreanFWisdom / TravelForseti
Koshanth“The Inquisitor”ElfMTruthOdin 
Roguy AwenDestinies SteelHumanMForesight / ProphecyNjord
Bruno AnderThe ProtectorDragonbornMProtectionHeimdall
CeddUpholder of TruthHumanFTruth & SmiteTyr
RothBlessed and BelovedHalflingMLoveBalder
Sybeth NoneThe ValkyrieAasimar FFlightFreya
Ubus Rausure“The Great”DwarfFMagicSurtur
Elder Rastrich“Friend to All”GnomeMFriendship and TrustFrey
Frode Lunde“Life guardian”Half OrcFHealth, WaterAegir
Xandite’s“Natures RockDryadFTransformationSkadi
Fehphy Matatus“The Learn’d”HumanMKnowledge / MagicFrigga

[1] This is in fact not exactly true.  Some have been granted long lives other not.  But much of the general populous believe them immortals.