February 24, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

One Eye’s Revelation

Odin was troubled.

The scribe had completed transcribing his raving of his most recent visions, this “Doom of the Gods”.

Once more he read the prophecies, he could see Ragnarok or more correctly Ragnarøkkr was fast approaching. Once again it seems.

Was he powerless to stop its onset and a further renewal of the cycle?

Odin vowed, “Never again! This cycle must stop”!

So Odin – One Eye called council with his most trusted advisors, Heimdall, Tyr and Baldur.  Together a plan was prepared.

A new world had been found to be wandering through but outside Midgard, outside the Nine Worlds – truly apart from the cosmos.  Perfect! With it, a new start will be created, one they will seed one apart from this endless cycle.  Here they would seed anew and change their past practices.

Odin selected 12 of the Gods to assist, they together would birth this new reality.  They were:

  • Aegir,
  • Balder,
  • Forseti,
  • Frey,
  • Freya,
  • Frigga,
  • Heimdall,
  • Hel,
  • Njord,
  • Odin,
  • Skadi,
  • Surtur,
  • Tyr

This new wandering lands was to be known as Pol; would be captured and seeded.

But this land was not perfect, it needed more!  After capturing Pol and her 2 moons – Odin with his 12 companions called fourth from the ether two additional (2) companions for Pol. These they decreed to be the upper world and made these apart from the prime. Five (5) worlds of Pol.  The Lands of Pol!:

The Upper Worlds

Asgard – for the gods,

UnderWorld – for the dead

The Midworlds

Glade – for the fey – (a small moon)

Stairlivent – a world without magic (the larger moon)

Pol the world for all

Odin decreed, that this time things would be different, the gods will remain more aloof, “we will provide leadership through chosen guardians”. Odin decreed that each of the Gods would appoint a guardian from their worshipers and he would guide. Of the twelve only Hel refused to name a guardian, so it came to Odin to name the final guardian, Koschei. Koschei one of the multitude but one who worshipped no one god, but showed homage to all.

On Pol these guardians became known as the Twelve (12). Each was provided a magical golden torc to mark them and provide power to assist in their tasks.