February 24, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

Freyasday the 6th of Hells

I believe I have been granted a boon from Loki this day. I feel full and don’t need to eat for the rest of the day which is perfect as I may concentrate fully on my research.

I continue my research of the scrolls

– Njorday the 7th of Hells –

An uneventful day full of more research

– Baldrday the 8th of Hells –

More research

– Hidday the 8th of Hells –

Still researching

– Bathinday the 10th of Hells –

Another trick of Loki. I find myself levitating a foot off the floor. I continue my research in the air today.

– Sunnday the 11th of Hells –

Today I have received another trick from Loki. This one will not end with the day, however. It seems that I see any damage done to myself or others a hilariously funny, and it sends me into a fit of laughter. I discovered this as I stubbed my toe on the way down to breakfast this morning, and again when Swift had taken off his ring and had been hovering, but forgot to duck under the doorframe as he passed through rooms. I have tried to stay out of trouble, however, by continuing my research. I believe this particular trick of Loki will end only at the end of Hells, or if I am granted a new trick or boon, rather than the usual 24 hours.

– Moonday the 12th of Hells –

– Tyrsday the 13th of Hells –