March 7, 2025

Lands of Pol

Just another Roleplayers site

The POL Calendar

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The Year

The Pol year is divided into two main seasons and one minor season.  

They are

  • Winter
  • Summer
  • Glade
  • Years are counted in Winters past and a period from a major event. As in “he is 3 winters”  and date a year by saying “five winters after the Battle of Svolder”.
  • Different locals may have differing measurements, for example
    • Newfeld will date many things from its founding while other locations may date from some other local event.
    • at the time of the Boiling Flood Newfeld ranged it was the 623 winters after founding. However the Boiling Flood was such a significant event many began counting from that date.

Seasons & Months

Winter and Summer are each 6 months in length, Glade is 1 month in length and defines the bridging of summer to winter.

There are Thirteen (13) months

WinterSlaughterThe first winter month is called Slaughter or butcher month, and on the first day of this month a feast is held called Winter blót. This feast is to honor the God Freyr, and thank him for the harvest.
WinterAllfatherOdin (Woden, AllFather) monthThis is the time of year Odin is traveling around Midgard more than usual visiting the locals. The children will fill socks with hay for his horse Sleipnir, and Odin might give them a small gift in return.
WinterMarrowWinter Festivals This is the month winter solstice is held
WinterBlack FrostWarriors train and prepare, The clerics play and the wizards plan.  It is thought the world will end in a Black Frost.
WinterGoiÞorriWomen’s month
Women choose a day in this month to celebrate (think of it as a birthday) they will celebrate with usually a private event held for friends and family.
WinterEinmánMen’s month
Men choose a day in this month to celebrate (think of it as a birthday) they will celebrate with usually a private event held for friends and family.
SummerHarpaHarpa is the first summer month, this is the month of a great feast  for the God of war, Odin. This is held to ensure victory in war and happiness on their travels.The first day of Harpa is New Year!
SummerSkerplaThe second summer month, first harvest begins
SummerSólmánThe third summer month is called sun month, and it is the brightest time of the year. The summer solstice festival is held.
SummerHeyinanThe fourth summer month is called haymaking, which is the month of drying and harvesting of hay.
SummerKornkutHarvest Festivals
SummerHaustThe last summer month is a harvest month
GladeHellsWinter comes, a month when Glade is not present in the sky.  Many fear this time for while Glade is not in the sky it is said Hel can choose her retainers from any she can see.  A time of mischief, fear and woe, for Winter will soon arrive.Loki’s followers celebrate in this month

The Days

A month has 4 weeks of 10 days, beginning on Sunnudagr (Sunnday) and finishing on Laugardagr (Bathinday)

Day Name in general useMeaning
SunndaySun Day
MoondayMoon Day
TyrsdayTyr’s Day
WodinsdayOdin’s Day
ThorsdayThor’s Day
FreyasdayFreya’s Day
NjordayNjord’s Day
BaldrdayBalder’s Day
HiddayHel’s Day
BathindayBath Day

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